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Call for competition in Innovative Footwear Design in the frame of SHOEDES project

The Erasmus+ SHOEDES project consortium invites design students or footwear professionals to take part in the Innovative Footwear Design competition for the Design of Footwear for the Circular Economy. The design-challenge competition is an international event that takes place in Turkey, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Italy and France.
The participants will explore innovative footwear solutions by combining circular economy principles, cutting-edge technologies, and new manufacturing methods.
Teams of three will work together to design and prototype a functional, eco-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing shoe. Each team must incorporate the principles of the circular economy in their proposal.
Key Objectives:
  • Design a shoe that is fully recyclable or made from sustainable materials.
  • Utilise new technologies to reduce the environmental impact of footwear throughout their lifecycle.
  • Incorporate innovative manufacturing methods that minimise waste and support local production.
Evaluation Criteria:
  • Sustainability: Adherence to circular economy principles.
  • Innovation: Creative use of technology and materials.
  • Functionality: Comfort, safety, and practicality of the shoe design.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Visual harmony, texture, and overall style.
The procedure:
The design competition is divided in two parts. In the first part, the teams will submit their proposals which will be evaluated by an international committee (Form A). Then, one team from each country will be selected to join a 2-week workshop in Porto, Portugal, between 9-20/12/2024. The winning teams will be subsided by up to 1056€ per participant.
  • The applicants should register in the competition by filling and submitting the registration Form 1 by 31/10/2024.
  • The applicants should complete and submit the application Form Α by 17/11/2024.
Competition instructions, rules and forms are given in the Competition Pack below.


 Γραμματεία Τμήματος:

  Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής 
Πανεπιστημιούπολη Αρχαίου Ελαιώνα
Θηβών 250 & Π. Ράλλη
122 41 Αιγάλεω
Κτήριο Ζ, Πτέρυγα Α
Γραφείο ΖΑ207 (2ος Όροφος)
  +30 210 538 1216, 
+30 210 538 1727

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