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The ECO-SPHERE Programme is a Marie Skodowska-Curie COFUND Action
hosted Dokuz Eylul University and Yildiz Technical University in Turkey.
Over a course of five years with two calls for proposals, ECO-SPHERE will
offer 24 fellowships of 24 months each, in the field of environmental
sustainability. It will be open to ambitious postdoctoral applicants
worldwide who are highly engaged in research and environmental sciences
starting April 2024. All interested candidates are required to submit
their applications exclusively through the online platform provided by
ECO-SPHERE. For more details you can visit: https://ecosphere-msca.org.tr/

Additionally, please find below the Euraxess announcement of the call.


19/5/2024 Call for applications for the selection of the External Quality Evaluator of the TEX4FUTURE project.
In line with the project’s proposal, the consortium of the approved project “Textile Manufacturing for the Future in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan”, ref.no.: 101128738-EDU-2023-CBHE (in short “TEX4FUTURE”), within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Programme, Capacity Building for Higher Education, will appoint an External Quality Evaluator – hereinafter referred to as “EQE”.


 Γραμματεία Τμήματος:

  Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής 
Αρχαίου Ελαιώνα
Θηβών 250 & Π. Ράλλη
122 41 Αιγάλεω
Κτήριο Ζ, Πτέρυγα Α
Γραφείο ΖΑ207 (2ος Όροφος)
  +30 210 538 1726, 
+30 210 538 1727

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