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Dear Madam or Sir,

it is our pleasure to invite you to the 4. European meeting of experts for technical textiles, processes, ideas and research. Due to ongoing COVID-19 travel and meeting restrictions we will meet as in 2020 only online. In the last years more than 150 participants and speakers from 17 countries attended the digital meeting. We hope that this year’s event will attract even more European and international participants.

The event language is English. Participation is free of charge.

Click here for more information





GALACTICA seeks innovative solutions to combine the aerospace and textile sectors with advanced manufacturing in order to re-shape value chains and business models, fomenting cross-sectoral and cross-border partnerships. Applications are open to start-ups and SMEs as well as to university students based in European Union or United Kingdom.

The best MVPs (up to ten) will be offered a group coaching session and will be invited to the second-round virtual Hackathon in a two-day event. The participants will work in teams and after a sequence of work, motivational sessions and final pitching, there will be the award ceremony that will select a winning team and a runner up for SME/Startup category and a winning team and runner-up for student teams.

Register here

Deadline for registrations: 29 January 2021


 Γραμματεία Τμήματος:

  Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής 
Αρχαίου Ελαιώνα
Θηβών 250 & Π. Ράλλη
122 41 Αιγάλεω
Κτήριο Ζ, Πτέρυγα Α
Γραφείο ΖΑ207 (2ος Όροφος)
  +30 210 538 1726, 
+30 210 538 1727

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