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In the framework of the implementation of the European Program “T-Crepe” project (KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Knowledge Alliances) a training workshop organized by UNIWA, which conducted in the period 2-6 November 2021 at the premises of Hellenic Clothing Industry Association and targeted to:

• The members who involved to the project

• Staff of university • Students

• Representatives of the industry

Click here for additional information


 Γραμματεία Τμήματος:

  Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής 
Αρχαίου Ελαιώνα
Θηβών 250 & Π. Ράλλη
122 41 Αιγάλεω
Κτήριο Ζ, Πτέρυγα Α
Γραφείο ΖΑ207 (2ος Όροφος)
  +30 210 538 1726, 
+30 210 538 1727

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