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GALACTICA seeks innovative solutions to combine the aerospace and textile sectors with advanced manufacturing in order to re-shape value chains and business models, fomenting cross-sectoral and cross-border partnerships. Applications are open to start-ups and SMEs as well as to university students based in European Union or United Kingdom.

The best MVPs (up to ten) will be offered a group coaching session and will be invited to the second-round virtual Hackathon in a two-day event. The participants will work in teams and after a sequence of work, motivational sessions and final pitching, there will be the award ceremony that will select a winning team and a runner up for SME/Startup category and a winning team and runner-up for student teams.

Register here

Deadline for registrations: 29 January 2021

On November 11th and 12th, the third project meeting of WINTEX was organized virtually.

The aim of WINTEX is to stablish a collaboration between the participating European organizations and the ones Tunisia, by creating a network, which may benefit the textile industry in the countries involved in the project.

During the virtual meeting, the different partners reviewed the general status of the project, the planning for the next semester and the different mitigation plans to continue despite the current COVID-19 situation. Key topics reviewed included the national report of the textile sector in Tunisia that will be soon published in the project website and the best practices selected from Europe.

The second key aspect for the meeting was the review of potential equipment and infrastructure that Tunisian partners aim to acquire during the next stage of the project and the tendering process that will be launched during next year.

Progress in other aspects of the project were also presented, such as the launch of the website and communication materials, as well as the analysis of the operation of its social media profiles and the launch of the semi-annual project newsletter, available on the website.

The next follow-up meeting of WINTEX is scheduled for next spring.

More info: Wintex_3rd_meeting_Nov20_GPRINDownload

Contact us

 Department Secretariat:

  University of West Attica
Ancient Olive Grove Campus
250 Thivon & P. Ralli str
122 41 Egaleo
Building Ζ, Wing Α
Office ΖΑ207 (2nd Floor)
  +30 210 538 1726, 
+30 210 538 1727

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