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Christos Drosos

Assistant Professor

phone +30 210 538 1347/1531
office ZA003, Ground Floor, Building Ζ (Wing Α΄)
cv Full CV
Dr Christos Drosos is a Laboratory Teaching Staff member of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering at the University of West Attica in Athens, Greece with cognitive field in the "Industrial Monitoring Systems Controlled by Artificial Intelligence Heuristic Algorithms – Informatics". He is also, a member of the research lab of Electronic Automation, Telematics and Cyber-Physical Systems at the same department.
Dr Christos Drosos has received his first degree in Automation Engineering by the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, while his Master’s degree in Informatics has been awarded with distinction by the University of Piraeus department of Informatics. He holds a PhD, since 2016, in Computer Science by the Informatics’ department of the University of Piraeus and has performed corresponding post-doc research in the University of Thessaly.
His research interests include Industry 4.0 technologies, in the following fields among others: Internet of Things, Industrial Supervisory Systems, Heuristic and MetaHeuristic Algorithms, Information Systems, Embedded Systems. The results of the research have been published in several scientific journals, conferences and books, having received a significant number of cross-references.

Research Interests

  •  Internet of Things (ΙοΤ)
  • Industrial Supervisory Systems
  • Infrastructure development and control technologies
  • Optimization of applications and intelligent services in intelligent industrial production systems
  • AI-Heuristic and MetaHeuristic
  • Information Systems
  • Embedded Systems.

Undergraduate Courses

1003 Computer Programming

2003 Algorithms and Data Structures

4004 Data acquisition and Analysis

6003 Decision Support Systems

6004 Microcontroller-based System Design

7002 Information Production Systems

Postgraduate Courses

Contact us

 Department Secretariat:

  University of West Attica
Ancient Olive Grove Campus
250 Thivon & P. Ralli str
122 41 Egaleo
Building Ζ, Wing Α
Office ΖΑ207 (2nd Floor)
  +30 210 538 1726, 
+30 210 538 1727

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